CONSTANT | CONSTANTE emerges as a photographic journey through the lens of Marlis Momber and Maylyn “Zero” Iglesias, venerable artist-activists entrenched in the heartbeat of the Lower East Side, NYC. Illuminating impermanence, their photographs transcend time, resurrecting vanished fragments of the LES, echoing in their minds. From the early 1970s to the present, their images are a visual narrative where resilient families thrive amidst the upheaval of cultural battles that have endured for generations.
Marlis and Maylyn, artists intertwined in friendship and mentorship, epitomize the ceaseless spirit of LES. Their shared journey, a visual call, and response, paints a portrait where beautiful brown bodies and big city blocks blend from one scene to the next, making it seem like they documented a whole era in one long-spirited day. From vacant lots to writers tagging on the wall, their work stitches together a narrative where chaos unravels into clarity. This exhibition is the first time they present work together after several years of working closely with Loisaida, Inc. The photographs on display are on loan from Loisaida Inc, in collaboration with The AWWW Collective, producers and curators of this exhibit.